Since Camp Get-a-Way takes place across a few different campsites across different regions of the state, each campsite will vary slightly. Generally, here’s what you can expect:
During camp, each family stays in their own cabin. These will have screen windows with wooden shutters, screen doors, and a wooden exterior door. Depending on the campsite for your session, you may have access to electric outlets and lights inside your cabin.
Cabins do not have refrigerators. There will be plenty of meals (and snacks!) in the dining hall, but if you decide to bring snacks for your family, we’d ask that you leave them in your car rather than your cabin—to keep the critters at bay.
While cabins don’t have running water, showers and bathrooms for males and females are conveniently located near the cabins.
We like to think of a week at Camp Get-a-Way like the first-class version of a camping trip. We aren’t quite pitching tents or fishing for our meals, but the rustic cabins and “unplugged” lifestyle of camp are all part of the experience, giving us space to enjoy one another and our time in the great outdoors!